Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Republicans in Medicare Quandary

According to the Post, there's lots of anxiety in Republican circles over Paul Ryan's plans for a new budget. Ryan wants a plan that balances the budget by 2013 without tax increases. But since the main driver of spending over the next decade will be Medicare, it is hard to see how to do that without Medicare cuts, and Republicans have spend the past three years running against Obama's health reforms and pledging to protect Medicare for everyone over 55. Something has to give.

Congressman Peter King of New York said, of Ryan's plans, “I know a number of people who have real concerns about where this is going. . . . One of the last presidents to balance the budget was Herbert Hoover.”

Eventually Republicans are going to have to level with people, and give up one of their stated goals. I am willing to bet that they hold fast on taxes and health care for their core voters and give up balancing the budget. Any takers?

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