Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Culture War Goes On because it Helps Politicians and Rich Businessmen

Noah Millman has an interesting theory on why neither the political nor economic elite wants to damp down the culture wars:
The culture war, for both nominal Left and Right, is an extremely effective way of serving the interests of both economic elites and elected officials. Why? Because the culture war turns politics into a question of identity, of tribalism, and hence narrows the effective choice in elections. We no longer vote for the person who better represents our interests, but for the person who talks our talk, sees the world the way we do, is one of us. That contest is a cheap and easy one for politicians of any stripe to enter – and, usually, an easy one to win. It sorts the overwhelming majority of the population into easy-to-count-on camps who will not demand that politicians do anything for them, because they’re too afraid the hated “other team” might get into power.

And it’s a good basis for politics from the perspective of economic elites. If the battle between Left and Right is fundamentally over social questions like abortion and gay marriage, then it is not fundamentally over questions like who is making a killing off of government policies and who is getting screwed.

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